[ListFields Params]Database Tags[/ListFields]
Lists all the fields in the specified database, SQLResult record set, or SQL table

To display a list of all the fields in a particular database, put a [ListFields] context into a template. You may put a [ListFields] context inside the [ListDatabases] context to automatically list all the fields in all the databases.

Example (normally you would put the following text into a .tpl file on your server and use a web browser to link to it):

Fields in database [name]:<br>
[ListFields db=[name]]
Fieldname: [FieldName]<br>

Starting in WebDNA 6.0...

To display a list of all fields in an SQL table (after a [SQLConnect] context), specify the SQL connection and database table.


The "inventory" table has the following fields:<br>
[ListFields conn_ref=conn1&table=inventory]
<li>ordinal: [ordinal]</li>
<li>datatype: [datatype]</li>
<li>allownull: [allownull]</li>
<li>width: [width]</li>

To display a list of all fields in a [SQLResult] record set, just include the [ListFields] inside of a [SQLResult] context.


[SQLResult result_ref=rs1]
The result set from query "select * from employees;" has [numFields] fields:<br>
<li>ordinal: [ordinal]</li>
<li>datatype: [datatype]</li>
<li>allownull: [allownull]</li>
<li>width: [width]</li>

The following tags are available inside a [ListFields] context:
Tag Description
 the name of the field.
A number from 1 to the total number of fields, indicating this field's index placement in the list.
The following tags are available when using [ListFields] to list SQL fields
Will retrieve the literal position of the current iterated field.
Will retrieve the named SQL datatype of the current iterated field.
Returns whether or not (T or F) the current iterated field will accept a null value as a possible entry/value.
Will retrieve the maximum length of data the current iterated field will allow.