[xmlparse var=...&source=...]<optional inline XML content>[/xmlparse]
Enable the WebDNA programmer to input XML data into a WebDNA variable, after which any part of the XML structure can be readily examined using the new WebDNA XML contexts.
Optional Tag Parameters:
· var - The variable name you specify to represent the
XML parsed object.
· source - A URL reference to an external XML file.
If 'source' is provided, the content between the [xmlparse...] and [/xmlparse]
tags is ignored.
For example, to parse a sample XML document file example1.xml
into a WebDNA variable called 'xml_var1' ...
We use the following code...
[xmlparse var=xml_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xmlparse]
Note that the [include] tag was used to place the xml file
contents between the xmlparse tags. We could just as easily 'pasted' the xml
contents there as well.
Internally, the WebDNA engine 'saves' this parsed instance as an internal variable
named 'xml_var1'. This saved instance can then be referenced in the other WebDNA
XML contexts.